Marketplace Migration


Lindens changed the way on how items are delivered from the Second Life™ Marketplace inworld. It’s no longer required to pack items into a box and force buyers to find a piece of land where they can rez and unpack the box – which also needs some advanced skills. Now items are delivered into a folder in the inventory and are ready to use, which is a great improvement.

Of course this needs some adjustments: we have to unpack all items and import them again into the Marketplace. With more than 300 items, this takes some time… Until we finished this migration process it’s possible that you still recieve items which need to be unpacked.

You can use our inworld shop to do this: just teleport to Crazy P Shop, drag the box from your inventory on the ground and click on it. A new little window will appear, listing all items in the box. Just click on “copy to iventory” and there you go :). If you need assistance with this, just drop us a notecard or write an IM to Peet Ewing or Pixie Rang.